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Episode notes

WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT TODAY?  Recessions and the adverse effect they can have on unprepared businesses. Thankfully, on average, recessions last less than a year and rear their ugly head only once every 5-6 years. Recessions are always temporary, and survivable, but you plan way ahead. Plus, that planning will help your business in the long run and during the good times too.


* Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg made headlines with panic messages.
* We look at the damage that can be done to your workforce if there’s panic. 
* We define the term recession and look at occurrence statistics.
* Why you should look at preparing as a business problem that needs no recession.
* Ways to mitigate the impact on employees and business during bad times.
* How outsourcing can help
* The ABCs of Cultivating, Closing, and Cutting


Don’t panic when you hear a recession may be imminent, it’s just like experiencing a bad year in business. But if your prepare ahead of time for the eventuality of a bad year, you’ll soar past the competition and win.


Besides our experiences that directly relate to this topic, we found the following resources very helpful in preparing for this episode:


An entrepreneur and intrapreneur duo with street smarts, ‘preneurial’ chops, and a penchant for storytelling.

Dave and Kelli met as teenagers and have a life-long story of their own. They took separate and contrasting career paths, both struggling with the challenges of business and celebrating their career successes differently. 

Kelli, who “worked for the man like a dog for decades,” and Dave, who “started or ran businesses all of his life,” quickly realized there may be substantial value for others based on those combined experiences. The “My Job Here Is Done” Podcast is the result. 


Ultimately, you’re building a great business or moving up the career ladder of success, and we absolutely know we can help!

If you like what you hear in the podcast, we have more to share with companies that we work with. 

With the foundation of business experience from Dave and Kelli as a team, in concert with subject matter experts from the rich roster of smart people in our network, we have put these goals, culture themes, and operational processes you hear on the podcast to the test - and they work. 

If you have a complicated problem to solve, AND you like to play to win in business or soar to new heights in your personal career success - click here to learn how you can work with us.