No Really, I’m Fine

Comedian and actress Lindzi Germain on how she's laughed her way through the lockdown

Comedian and actress Lindzi Germain on how she's laughed her way through the lockdown

No Really, I’m Fine

Published: 2 June 2020 at 02:00 UTC

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Episode notes

If you live anywhere near Merseyside you'll know the name Lindzi Germain, the hilarious actress and comedian has been entertaining crowds across the country for decades and is a Mersey Icon.

During lockdown, she's been entertaining hundreds of thousands of people on social media with her online lockdown series across various groups on Facebook.

She tells us how laughing has been key to staying positive during the lockdown and also talks about how she's been staying body positive during this unique time.

Note - Michael and Lindzi are friends and some of the topics discussed include Lindzi using her body image for her comedy in a positive way.

We realise that some of our audience may be at different stages of their journey when it comes to body positivity so if you are struggling with some of the themes discussed, there is help out there.

We’ve teamed up with Beat the UK’s eating disorder charity which has an online support group called The Sanctuary, which is open every day and is a safe space to share concerns or struggles relating to lockdown and the pandemic.

For support, you’re best to head to their website where they’ve set up a dedicated coronavirus help page. You can find out more at 

Remember you can contact us on for your feedback and queries.