Non-Corporate Girls

Ep 119 - Unlearning Your Learnings: Redefining How You Pivot!

Ep 119 - Unlearning Your Learnings: Redefining How You Pivot!

Non-Corporate Girls

Published: 8 April 2023 at 16:00 UTC

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Episode notes

In recent times there has been a huge shift in relationships of all kinds. As more people in our generation are seeking therapy awareness has increased causing the dynamic of personal, business, and romantic relationships to be looked at with a different lens. In this episode, the Non-Corporate Girls  Ayanna (@the_aya_brand) and Delaila (@missdelailac) unpack some of the crossroads they have arrived at when being conscious and thoughtful about how they are showing up in certain relationships and how their personal growth has led to new needs that must prioritize our health and wellbeing. Have certain relationships changed over the past few years? Are you feeling like you have been questioning certain connections? Take a listen to this week's episode. There may be a reason why these feelings have surfaced.

This week's #OW is Dr. Mariel Buqué (@dr.marielbuque)

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