Novara Media

Novara FM: Britain’s Radical Right Are On The March

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Episode notes

The demise of the Tories isn’t the end of the road for the British right. Quite the reverse: there are many whose extreme right-wing beliefs have been kept on the margins by the existence of the Conservative party. But now, with the Tories licking their wounds, they’re looking to fill the vacuum – from fascist street agitators like Patriotic Alternative to the hardline conservatism being imported from America.

To discuss what’s next for Britain’s radical right, Richard Hames is joined by Stewart Maclean from Red Flare, an antifascist research collective, and John Merrick, an editor at Verso Books. His recent article for the New Statesman, Britain’s New Powellites, identifies the online vanguard of far-right politics.

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