The OBU Podcast

Designing with a new audience in mind, with Claire and Sarah

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Episode notes

This week, we’re bringing you the next instalment of our co-founder mini-series, as Claire and Sarah count down to our investment platform – and angel collective! – going live. They’re talking about the shocking stats that get us out of bed every morning, the way we’re designing with women in mind, the work we’re doing to bring legitimacy to angel investing, and what exactly you can expect from our platform and collective when launch day arrives…

The Obu investment platform goes live this June, disrupting the investment sector for good. Pre-registrations are now open over at, so head over, find out more – and see whether you’re eligible to start investing. 

You can also register for our Obu Angel Collective – a space where women and allies curious about investing can come together, make connections, deepen their understanding and be inspired by what’s possible. 

And of course, if you’d like more from The Obu Podcast, you’ll find every episode right here.

Episode timings:

[00.00] What The Obu Podcast’s all about

[01.26] The three big stats we’re out to change

[03.42] Designing for an underserved audience

[06.38] Bringing legitimacy to angel investing

[07.44] What to expect from our investment platform

[10.34] What to expect from The Obu Angel Collective

[11.58] How to get even more from Obu