One Knight in Product

Jordan Dalladay's Hot Take - We Should Build Roadmaps Of Risks, Not Features (with Jordan Dalladay, Product Consultant @ inherent ventures)

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Jordan Dalladay is a product strategist and leader who works with startup founders to help them turn ambitious ideas into market successes. He specializes in "dragging a vision kicking and screaming into reality" with his consultancy, inherent ventures.

His hot take? We should invert our approach to product roadmapping. Instead of listing features to build, create a "risk-based product strategy" that outlines all the assumptions and potential pitfalls that could prevent success. This approach helps teams prioritize learning and experimentation, validating their riskiest assumptions first and dragging their vision into reality more effectively.

Find Jordan on LinkedIn and you can check out his firm, inherent ventures.

If you'd like to appear on Hot Takes, please grab a time!

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