Episode notes
Holy Habits is described thus:
"....a way of life for those exploring or already actively living out the call of Jesus to ‘follow me’. It is a way of life for all ages and cultures; a way of life based on Luke’s portrait of the community of followers of Jesus that we see in Acts 2:42–47; a way of life that nurtures whole-life, missional discipleship; a way of life that, when lived faithfully day by day and fruitfully both personally and collectively, encourages others to join the adventure of following Jesus." ( credit - Holy Habits website )
In this episode, Andrew Roberts, it's author explains how he approached the writing and why it was important to him. You'll also hear how one circuit is implementing the course - Rev'd David Spiers and Jenny Brooks join us for a chat.
Plus there's a wonderfully inspiring look back at the Connexional year by Matt Forsyth of the District Mission Team.