OTs In Pelvic Health

The Mindfullness of the Mundane with Susan Clinton

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Episode notes

Show Notes

During this epsiode, we talk about:

  • The top 3 things Susan wishes every pelvic health therapist would share with their clients about crafting a better stool
  • Susan shares the reason 40 is a magic number 
  • The incredible difference between "decision" and "choice"
  • What timezones and human growth hormone have to do with constipation
  • Susan shares how to share pain science topics with our clients
  • She shares her personal favorite nervous system downtraining activities
  •  What pelvic health topics light her up these days
  • The power of cyclical breathing
  • Why pain is an emotion
  • Why we just need to get louder

Books she mentions in this epsiode:

Where to find Susan:
Linked In

Her podcasts: 
Tough to Treat
Genius Project

Her Foundation

Here is a link to Susan's Eventbrite Session on Take Control of Your Mental Fitnesson September 12th, 2023

Here is a link to book a Discovery call with Susan!