The Pace of Grace with Kim Avery

Inside-Out: 90 Day Adventure in Enjoying God

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Episode notes

We’ve all seen them, or maybe we’ve even been them: that couple in a church, restaurant, or just walking around the neighborhood, where one partner is there but clearly not present. They sit together, but their minds and hearts are miles apart, lost in their own worlds. Perhaps they've been together so long that they think they know everything about each other, and the excitement has worn off, leading to a quiet but deep-seated boredom.


It’s a tragic scene, yet one that’s all too common. Even more heartbreaking is the fact that many of us experience this same sense of detachment in our relationship with God. We sit in the pew, our Bible open, lips reciting familiar prayers, but our hearts are far from Him. The routine becomes mundane, and dare I say, we find ourselves bored with God. It's almost inevitable as humans, but the good news is we don’t have to stay there.


This week, we continue our journey of rediscovering the beauty and wonder of God in our series, "A 90 Day Adventure in Enjoying God." In this final episode, we shift our focus inward to explore how practices like silence, solitude, and contemplation can reignite our passion for God. Tune in as we dive deep into these transformative practices and discover how they can help us enjoy God from the inside out.


💡Today’s Big Idea: 

God is never boring. Enjoy exploring the endless treasures in Christ.

⚡️Today’s Small Step: 

Download your own guide to a 90 Day Adventure in Enjoying God at




Sacred Pathways: Nine Ways to Connect with God by Gary Thomas

90 Day Adventure of Enjoying God 

Every Moment Holy by Douglas McKelvey

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