The Pace of Grace with Kim Avery

Delighting in Dependence

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Episode notes

In a world that often celebrates going it alone and sings the constant mantra “I am enough,” the life of Jesus presents a striking contrast. Unlike the stories of solitary success we're so used to hearing, Jesus, the embodiment of God's perfection, lived a life of complete dependence on God. He invites us to embrace this same path, showing us that true strength is found not in independence, but in trusting fully in God.

In today’s episode, we will explore the beautiful, countercultural call that Jesus offers us. We'll look into five practical ways we can live out this call to depend on God, following Jesus’s example. This discussion is more than just theory; it's an invitation to experience the richness of life that comes from walking closely with God, replacing the “I can handle it all” attitude with a heart that says, “God is my strength.”

Join us as we delve into how Jesus's invitation challenges the norms of our society and guides us toward a life of deeper fulfillment and connection with God. This episode promises to be a journey into understanding how embracing dependence on God can transform our lives, offering peace and purpose in the midst of a world that often values going it alone.


💡Today’s Big Idea:  We are not enough, and that’s good news. God invites us to delight in depending on Him.

⚡️Today’s Small Step: Ask the Father to show you one specific area of your life where He is inviting you to become more dependent on Him.




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