The Pace of Grace with Kim Avery

True Transformation: The Unlikely Path of Spiritual Practices

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Episode notes

Discover the often overlooked yet profoundly transformative power of spiritual practices. In a world that constantly pushes us to do more and be more, we’re turning to the ancient, counter-cultural path of slowing down and drawing closer to God through intentional practices. These disciplines are not about adding more tasks to our already full plates; instead, they invite us to experience a deeper, more sustainable life rooted in our relationship with Christ.

Tune in to learn:

  • Intentional Connection vs. Mere Activity: How spiritual practices help us prioritize being with God over simply doing more.

  • Quality vs. Quantity: The importance of being present with God, focusing on the depth of our relationship rather than the number of activities we perform.

  • Sustainable Growth vs. Relentless Pursuits: How integrating spiritual disciplines into our lives promotes steady, long-term growth in our faith.

  • Whole-Person Approach: The way these practices nurture every part of our being—mind, body, and spirit—aligning us with God's purposes for a fulfilling life in Christ.


💡Today’s Big Idea: The unlikely path of spiritual practices leads to life.

 ⚡️Today’s Small Step: Join the 8-week Practicing the Way group starting 9/25. It’s free to all members of our Pace of Grace community. Learn more here:




“Superficiality is the curse of our age. The doctrine of instant satisfaction is a primary spiritual problem. The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people.”  Richard Foster

“There was a point where I felt utterly burnt out, and I questioned whether true spiritual transformation was even possible. It wasn’t until I embraced practices like Sabbath, simplicity, and silence that I found the rest my soul desperately needed.”  John Mark Comer

"The greatest threat to devotion to Christ is service for Christ." Dallas Willard




Practicing the Way Group: Learn more at www.PaceOfGrace.Com/community

The Pace of Grace Community: Learn more or join for only $10 a month. No long-term commitment.

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