Parishes of Adelaide Podcast
Chapter 1 - Dark Clouds.. - Kathy McEvoy and Jenny Esots
Episode notes
The South Australian Dialogue of the Roman Catholic and Uniting Churches has been meeting since 1979. Some fruits of the dialogue have been a deeper appreciation of each other's traditions, a discussion of many topics of mutual interest, the preparation of several papers and efforts to communicate with the wider Christian community. Over the last year, this dialogue group, comprised of members from both the Roman Catholic and Uniting Churches, have been reading and discussing Pope Francis' third encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti”, or “Brothers and Sisters All”, published in 2020. Inspired by the teachings of St Francis of Assisi, “Fratelli Tutti” envisions how fraternity and social friendship can build a more just and peaceful world in the post-pandemic era. It's written as a universal aspiration for all Christians. It is in this spirit that members of the dialogue have paired up to introduce and reflect on Fratelli Tutti. So we offer this podcast series, one on each of the eight chapters of the Encyclical, to our respective churches. You can hear the entire series here: