April Garcia's PivotMe

E267. REP Recast from Born Unbreakable, How to Elevate Your Peer Group & Do More in Less Time with April Garcia

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Episode notes

In this exciting episode, the tables are turned as April Garcia, host of PivotMe, shares her insights on leveling up in life and business. Are you ready to elevate your peer group, manage your time more effectively, and achieve your goals? Tune in to learn from April's wealth of experience and actionable advice.

  Key Points
  • Intentional Peer Groups: Why you need to move away from your default peer group and intentionally design one to reach the next level.
  • Designing Your Peer Group: How to select and integrate people into your peer group who align with your future goals and can push you to excel.
  • Effective To-Do Lists: Tips on evaluating and optimizing your to-do list to accomplish more in less time.
  • Time Blocking: The importance of time blocking for tasks and protecting that time to ensure productivity.
  • Accountability: How to choose an accountability buddy who will strictly hold you accountable to your goals.
  • Self-Commitment: Learn how to show up for yourself and maintain your commitments without breaking your word.
  • Navigating Unsupportive Environments: How to stay aware of and manage lack of support from those undermining your confidence.
  • "You have to intentionally design a peer group that gets you to the next level." - April 
  • "Somebody you already know is connected to someone who could solve all your problems." - April 
  • "You can do all the things that you want to do in life but you cannot do them all at the same time." - April 
  • "We have to hold our word to ourselves as one of the highest words that we can hold." - April 


Thank you for tuning into this episode of Born Unbreakable. April Garcia's insights on elevating your peer group, optimizing your time, and staying accountable are invaluable for anyone looking to level up their life and business. Don't forget to apply these strategies and watch as you reach new heights. Stay tuned for more empowering episodes with Dez Maya.



Would you like to know more about being coached by April? Are you read to take your business or life to the next level? With her extensive experience and deep understanding, April will provide invaluable insights, tailored advice, and targeted coaching to help you optimize your performance.

Whether you need guidance on performance, leadership, team dynamics, sales strategies, or personal development, April will be by your side helping you to achieve extraordinary results.  Book a FREE 20 minute call with April at www.theaprilgarcia.com 

👉👉 Connect with me here: 

Website: https://www.theaprilgarcia.com

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AprilGarciaPivotMe

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theAprilGarcia/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theaprilgarcia