Trista's PL8STORY (Plate Story) Podcast

Plate 75 - SNDE with Ice Cream Tasting Winner Amy Dwyer

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Episode notes

Today we are talking with Amy Dwyer from Boston. Amy gives “The Scoop on Real Estate” by injecting her personality into the competitive real estate industry and thinking outside the box for her clients by using her creativity and knowledge. Amy’s unique ability to serve her clients with gregarious know-how puts them at ease just like a scoop of your favorite flavor on a hot summer day. Recently, Amy was "hired" by to be an Ice Cream Flavor Evaluation Specialist and was chosen out of 8,000 applicants. Since 2008 Amy and her family and friends have been visiting various ice cream spots and evaluating them on a 1-5 cone rating scale, an experience dubbed "Ice Cream Wednesday". Amy values experiences over things and has set a goal to have ice cream in all 50 states. 40 down, 10 to go! Amy's dream would be to have her own tv show driving across the country in her 1971 VW bug sampling the best ice cream and highlighting the local real estate market and culture.  We’ll hear how ice cream became an important theme in her life, her proven manifesting techniques and even experience her taste testing the flavor of the week we recorded.