Powerful Possibilities: ADHD from New Diagnosis & Beyond

Focus, Flow and the ADHD Brain: how you can learn to create both and get things done.

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Episode notes

ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders

Join me to learn about focus, flow and how your brain function affects both as well as some unusual practical tips to enhance your workflow.

This week we're looking at:

1. Understanding Brain Structures

2. What is Focus anyway?

3. Recognizing and Increasing Flow States

and strategies that you can use to improve your focus and experience flow.

Understanding Brain Structures and Their Roles:

Prefrontal Cortex (PFC): Executive functions and focus.

Basal Ganglia: Motivation and task engagement.

Habenula: Stress responses and motivation.

Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC): Attention processing.

Default Mode Network (DMN): Daydreaming and focus.

Task Initiation Challenges

Why it's Hard: Executive function impairments, dopamine dysregulation, anxiety, and perfectionism

Flow States:

What is Flow: Deep engagement and enjoyment in tasks.

Difference from Focus: Effortless vs. deliberate concentration.

Recognising Flow: Intense concentration, time distortion, intrinsic motivation.

Increasing Flow: Clear goals, immediate feedback, balancing challenge and skill.

Connect with Katherine:

Instagram: @adhd_coach_katherine

Tiktok: @adhd_coach_katherine

Online: https://lightbulbadhd.com

Let me know which one of these ideas you're going to try this week and share your experiences. Don't forget to register for the seminar before 3rd June 2024.

Next week: Celebrating achievements and engaging in force-free productivity. Don’t miss it!

This format provides a quick overview for those in a hurry and detailed information for those wanting to dive deeper, catering to a broad audience while enhancing SEO.

Connect with Katherine here:








Overwhelmed to Overflowing: how to navigate your ADHD Challenges and become your own best boss: https://lightbulbadhd.com/seminar-overflowing

Focus Music:



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