Qualified Tutor Podcast

The Get Different Philosophy: How to Create Marketing that Gets Noticed, with Co-Founder of The Different Company, Justin Wise

The Get Different Philosophy: How to Create Marketing that Gets Noticed, with Co-Founder of The Different Company, Justin Wise

Qualified Tutor Podcast

Published: 9 December 2021 at 10:00 UTC

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Episode notes

"Marketing is so nebulous … that’s why we’ve put handlebars on it with the Get Different philosophy" - the words of someone who truly understands the M-word.

Justin Wise is a marketing expert who does things a little differently.

Alongside Mike Michalowicz ('The Author Guy'), Justin ('The Business Guy') set up The Different Company to show small business leaders that marketing is not some inaccessible discipline limited to big advertising agencies and expensive consultants.

Marketing is everything we do. And yet most people treat it with great suspicion and fear - allow Justin to lead you out of this attitude.

And thank you to The Profs for sponsoring this episode and for partnering as sponsors of Day 2, The Business of Tutoring, at the Love Tutoring Festival 2, taking place on Tuesday 25th January 2022.

Next steps:

• How does Imposter Syndrome business people?
• Why do so many female students drop out of STEM subjects post-16?

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