Reclaim Your Radiance

31 | Masculine & Feminine Energies: Understanding & Healing our Wounds

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Episode notes

When you hear the term ‘masculine’  do you think of men, or do you think of the masculine energy that is present in all things?

When you hear the term ‘feminine’ do you think of women, or do you think of feminine energy? 

Our present day society and many of our cultures have taken the masculine and feminine energies and conflated them with the physical and biological genders / sexes that we were born with and/or choose.  

And this has become the source of so much wounding. So many of us were told what we could and couldn’t be based on how we were born. We were told to develop certain qualities and to shun others. But the truth is that these masculine and feminine energies and qualities exist in balance within all of us, and addressing them as energies (the same as yin or yang, lunar or solar, ida or pingala) allows us to step outside of what we were (likely) taught and start to heal the false narratives that were placed upon us at a young age. 

In this episode we dive into what these two energies really are, what it means to heal, the benefits of healing for you and others around you, and how to harness the continuous cycles of healing. We then tackle some of the common resistances to healing and ways to get through them. 

Kris is joined by special guest Warren Hooley, a workshop facilitator of nonviolent communication and other related topics. He has been both a student and teacher of these types of teachings for over 10 years, and is very passionate about creating a world in which our lives are directed by our true selves, instead of by our wounding. 

Contact our guest:

Facebook: Warren Hooley 

Instagram: @mrwarrenhooley 

Email: [email protected]

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Connect with us on Instagram: @helluvahall Connect with us on TikTok: @reclaimyourradiance Email us: [email protected]

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