Reclaim Your Radiance

32 | Using Sexual Energy for Personal Transformation

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Episode notes

Let’s talk about sex! 

It is so much more than just orgasms and toys. It is an intimate connection to yourself, your body, your energy, and your emotions. It is an act of self-expression. An act of creation. Not something that’s happening to you, or something that you feel you should do. But something that feels like it has the power to transform you. 

Today we are speaking about using your sensual and sexual energy to help you get what you want and to transform your life. 

Some of the topics include learning about how to identify your shame and start to free yourself from it, looking at what it means to be embodied and how it can benefit you, examining what it means to hold something as sacred (i.e. sacred sexuality), as well as how to connect with your desires and move yourself towards the life that you want. 

Joining us today and sharing her own story of how she used her sexual energy for major personal transformation, is Erika Boehme. She is an Intimacy, Embodiment, and Women’s Leadership Coach. And she is very passionate about living life on her own terms - and doing what turns her on. She went from being unable to express herself and feeling like she was unworthy, to being fully in her radiance and feeling sexually awakened and whole. 

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