Really Useful Conversations

Communication OR Conversation - why it matters

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The plane crashed into the 14th Street Bridge, killing 78 people. If only the flight crew had been communicating better. Flight AF90 never made it to it's destination on 13th January 1982, and the need for better equipment when dealing with disasters underground meant the rescues from the July 7th bombings in London were hampered. Communication is simply giving information, direction or guidance - one way and in organisations typically top down - but how about if we created a place where the conversations were two-way, where people were heard, where action was taken, where listening to understand and acting appropriately were every day behaviours? Your job might not be to pilot a plane, to rescue from a tragic incident - but how much are you missing out on or losing by failing to engage with people in meaningful, worthwhile, two- way dialogue? Maybe your sickness absence would decrease, your retention increase, your results improve? Tune in to this week's episode, the last one for 2023 and perhaps use the coming weeks to reflect and consider what it might be like for you and your people if conversations were encouraged at every single level in your business.