Really Useful Conversations

Menopause for Managers: Disability in the workplace?

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You may have seen the noise that the recent headlines created, when the European Human Rights Commission confirmed that under the Equality Act (s.6) that menopause symptoms COULD be classed as a disability. In this week's episode I am going to talk through that noise and explain in really straightforward terms what this means, and what you as a business need to be doing about it. Whether you are a Line Manager, HR Manager, Healthy & Safety Manager or indeed a business owner, this news article does NOT change anything - and no, women are NOT disabled because they are menopausal, and NO we are not entitled to a blue badge and NO it is not every woman! If you are curious to understand what all the noise was about, tune into this week's tongue in cheek episode where I will bust a few myths for you. You'll thank me for it ;-)