Really Useful Conversations

Minimising work-related stress

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As UK sickness absence rates are reported to be at a 10 year high and poor mental health being the second biggest reason for workplace absence, it's important that organisations take a more strategic approach to protecting the mental health of their employees. Simply signing up to wellbeing initiatives and appointing mental health first aiders is not the end of it - in fact the Society for Occupational Medicine says there is poor evidence to support that as a solution. So what exactly does need to be happening? How do we make sure we are doing all we can to prevent work-related stress and make sure that the work, workplace or work colleagues are not making matters worse for anyone? In this straight to the point episode we explore the HSE Management Standards and learn more about out duty of care to be proactive and preventative, and stop wasting time, money and effort on flashy firework displays that just don't cut the mustard.