Friends of Shakespeare and Company read Ulysses by James Joyce

BEASTCAST! Lex and Alice quiz Adam about his novel Beasts of England

Published: 3 May 2024 at 12:05 UTC

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In this special episode, the Bloomcasters take on their trickiest task yet : criticizing one of their own. 

Adam Biles’ “Beasts of England”, a canny and hilarious sequel to George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”, has received rave reviews and is already heading into translation in France and India -- but is it really any good?

Bloomcasters Alice and Lex take the reins, pushing Adam into the darkest corners of his fascination with farmyards and political arcana. How does one pen a sequel to a classic? What can satire show us about our dysfunctional age that no other genre can? Which pig is Boris Johnson, and does it matter in the least?

The gloves are off the trotters, and the true beasts are revealed. We hope you enjoy it.


Alice McCrum is a Ph.D. student in the Department of History at Princeton University. Before starting her graduate work, Alice lived in Paris, where she taught at the Sorbonne, studied public policy at Sciences Po-Paris, and directed cultural programming at the American Library in Paris. 

Lex Paulson is Director of Executive Programs at the UM6P School of Collective Intelligence (Morocco) and lectures in advocacy and human rights at Sciences Po-Paris. Trained in classics and community organizing, he served as mobilization strategist for the campaigns of Barack Obama in 2008 and Emmanuel Macron in 2017. He served as legislative counsel in the 111th U.S. Congress (2009-2011), organized on six U.S. presidential campaigns, and has worked to advance democratic innovation at the European Commission and in India, Tunisia, Egypt, Uganda, Senegal, Czech Republic and Ukraine. He is author of Cicero and the People’s Will: Philosophy and Power at the End of the Roman Republic, from Cambridge University Press, and is co-editor of the Routledge Handbook of Collective Intelligence for Democracy and Governance.

Adam Biles is an English writer and translator based in Paris. He is Literary Director at Shakespeare and Company. In 2022, he conceived and presented Friends of Shakespeare and Company read Ulysses—an epic, polyphonic celebration of James Joyce’s masterwork. Feeding Time, his first novel, was published by Galley Beggar Press in 2016. It was published by Editions Grasset in France in 2018 to great critical acclaim. His second novel, Beasts of England, was published in September 2023 by Galley Beggar Press, and will be published in 2025 by Editions Grasset. It was selected as a "2023 highlight" by The Guardian. A collection of his conversations with writers, The Shakespeare and Company Book of Interviews, was published by Canongate in October 2023

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