Secret Self-Sabotage with Jessica Cuatrecasas

014 Why People Do the Things They Do

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Six fundamental needs drive human behaviour. Although we all share those same six needs, each of us values them differently, and we have varied processes when trying to satisfy those needs. If you'd like to have the best possible summer and make the best possible memories, you need to understand people's needs and the reasoning behind why people do the things they do. 

Listen in to learn the motives that drive people's actions and tips on how to better understand your needs by creating new action patterns.

What You'll Learn:

- The 6 fundamental human needs

- The link between needs and people's actions

- Understanding the reasoning behind people's actions 

- The underlying patterns for all emotions, behaviour, and actions

- Why you need to know your needs and the beliefs around those needs 

- How to find empowering ways to satisfy your needs

- The biggest addiction when it comes to satisfying needs 

- Polarity in romantic relationships and understanding each other's needs

- The difference between love and connection

What are your needs? Unfortunately, many people struggle to answer this question. They don't know what drives them to act, think, or feel. They also don't know how to articulate their real needs to other people. Yet knowing your needs and learning to communicate them is essential for finding satisfaction, meaning and joy in life. So if your summer isn't going according to plan, maybe it's time you thought about your needs and how they affect the people around you. 


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