Sound Heap with John-Luke Roberts

Guskers and Strawkers and Good Ol’ Street Boobs

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Episode notes

The Heapening continues, where we ask our listeners to support us by sending us money or anything else we can sell off or melt down. While we're grateful for everything our listeners have sent in so far, we do now wish to add some caveats to the sort of things we can accept. Primarily: please stop sending us snakes.

Also this week, you'll hear clips from

  • Elty Jom’s Lobberly Sonds
  •  Field Recordings From A Lesbian Speed Dating Night Where One Woman Won’t Stop Talking About Garfield
  • Guskers and Strawkers and Good Ol’ Street Boobs
  • Britain’s Weirdest Weirdos.
  •  Let’s Taste Electrics
  • Human Stories, Human Humans, which this week gives a fascinating insight into a theatre camp for billionaires
  • Crifts: The Rifts In Crufts

Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Tom Bell, Jeremy Bent,  Kemah Bob, Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Kieran Hodgson, Rosie Holt, Athena Kugblenu, Sarah Morgan, Jordan Morris, Eleanor Morton, Joz Norris, Marjolein Robertson and  Richard Vranch. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.