Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores
Page Of Apocalypse: Legion Quest & X-Men: Alpha W/ Dave Horrocks & Max Byrne
Episode notes
Finally the opening chapter of our #XMen #AgeOfApocalypse podcast is finally here! My #ComicsInMotion co-hosts Max & Dave join me as we cover this 30 year-old comic book epic of biblical proportions. Charles Xavier's son David Haller A.K.A. Legion travels back in time to rewrite history to ensure his father's dream of peaceful co-existence between humans and mutants comes to pass. His first target is Magneto! Join us as we discuss incest, Erasure/Human League crossovers and the end of all things... #PrepareForPrattle
To read along you can subscribe to Marvel Unlimitedhttps://tinyurl.com/5n7f977h
Or buy it digitally on Kindle https://tinyurl.com/44yf4rc2
To learn how Legion got to this point read X-Men: Legion - Shadow King Rising https://tinyurl.com/23me8frh
This series podcast will be available on Comics In Motion to see our previous collaborations on X-Amining X-Men start here!https://tinyurl.com/33htvmxv
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