Star Gays: The Queer Astrology Archives Podcast

Episode 3: Compton Cafeteria Riots, Part 1

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On today’s episode of Star Gays we are doing something a little different. We are going to look at the astrology of an event in queer history - the Compton Cafeteria Riots in San Francisco in 1966. The Compton Cafeteria Riots were an early instance of queer and trans radical response to police harassment and discrimination. They were largely forgotten until historian Susan Stryker found a pamphlet referencing them in the early 2000s. In this episode we look at the larger planetary cycles that correspond with the riots and the events that led up to them. This episode is part one. Part two coming soon! Please subscribe to the podcast and give it a rating! Thanks so much for listening! You can find me on social media. On Instagram @ellyhigginsastro and on Twitter @ehastrology! Chart for July 18 Picket: Sources used: Screaming Queens - Susan Stryker Transgender History - Susan Stryker ‘Street Power’ and the Claiming of Public Space: San Francisco’s ‘Vanguard’ and Pre-Stonewall Queer Radicalism - Jennifer Worley (in Captive Genders) Cosmos and Psyche - Richard Tarnas