StreamTime Sports Podcast

Netflix, DAZN, Warner Bros Discovery and the future of sports advertising

Published: 11 December 2024 at 09:37 UTC

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Episode notes

Live sports is one of the last appointment viewing programmes that exist for advertisers, so how can streaming platforms can take advantage? StreamTime Sports co-hosts Nick Meacham and Chris Stone discuss this, while we also hear from DAZN, EA Sports, and Transmit on new advertising formats and opportunities for sports.
Key points:
Why are traditionally subscription based businesses like Netflix and DAZN moving to ad-supported models?
Why is sports still the best opportunity for advertisers?
How can ad-supported services co-exist with subscriptions models and compliment each other?
How are new ad formats helping to drive engagement and conversions?
What role does technology and data play helping brands to advertise through sports streaming?