Subtext & Discourse

Barbara Wolff, photographer | EP53 Subtext & Discourse

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Barbara Wolff, born in 1951 in Kyritz in the Prignitz region of the State of Brandenburg, is the daughter of photographer Werner Hinz. After completing high school she trained as a photographer in her father’s photography business and then went on to study photography at the Academy of Fine Arts, Leipzig. After gradating she worked as a freelance illustrator, photographer, and designer. During this period her style is defined by photographic collages and montages. Between 1982 and 1985 she lived in the village of Sechzehneichen in Brandenburg, where she pursued a personal, long term project about the village and its inhabitants. After applying to leave East Germany, Wolff moved to West Germany in 1985 and settled in Munich. Numerous trips to and stays in other countries followed, enabling her to discover places where she previously would not have been able to travel—such as Guatemala, Paris, and Vietnam. Since 1989 Wolff has worked as a freelance photographer and designer for the Linhof camera manufacturer in Munich. She taught Visual Communication and Photography as the Designschule München for twelve years. In the context of further freelance work, she has overseen the set-up and establishment of photographic studios in countries such as Brazil and Yemen, and she has held lectures on photography in China, Finland, and Vietnam. Today, Barbara Wolff lives and works in Berlin.

Interview with Barbara Wolff recorded by Michael Dooney on 19. July 2022 in Berlin.