Swaiba Podcast

Finding Common Ground

Finding Common Ground

Swaiba Podcast

Published: 3 October 2023 at 07:00 UTC

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Episode notes

Welcome back to the Swaiba Podcast Faith, Feminism and Freedom Series! In the first five episodes of this series, we spoke with religious leaders and activists to establish the state of religious norms and SGBV in Kenya. In the upcoming episodes, we are looking forward in a solutions-oriented manner. 

On this episode, we speak with Ms. Tabitha Saoyo Griffith, as we seek to bridge the conversation between religious leaders and activists. Is there common ground? How do they work together to combat SGBV in Kenya?  

Tabitha is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya with over eight years' experience navigating the policy, human rights, health and governance spaces in East Africa. Her special bias is in Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, particularly having engaged in programs targeted at addressing unsafe abortion, sexual violence, forced sterilization and teen pregnancies. She has also worked in private practice, served at the Federation of Women Lawyers-Kenya and consulted for UNDP in contextualizing HIV and the linkages to sexual and gender-based violence. Until recently, she was the Deputy Director and Head of Programs at KELIN, a Kenyan NGO working on health-related rights.  Tabitha holds a LLB (Moi University), Post Graduate Diploma in Law (Kenya School of Law), and LLM (University of Pretoria). She is an Aspen New Voices Fellow 2019 and Law Society of Kenya Pro-Bono Jurist 2019. She currently sits as a Board Member at Amnesty Interantional Kenya Board and the Emergency Medical Kenya Foundation Board. 

Continue following our series as we explore the link between religious norms and SGBV in Kenya. 

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