Tales from the Fandom
Episode 395: Nat aka ScruffySpaceElf talks Star Trek, House of the Dragon, Opera & Classical Music, and Cosplay
Episode notes
The first international guest of 2025 is here! Nat aka ScruffySpaceElf on socials joins me from Austria to talk about her favorite fandoms!
We kick things off with what may be her number 1 fandom, Star Trek. Nat talks about which series started things off for her, some of the shows she's watched (and others she hasn't), favorite characters, and so much more as we explore the Trek space.
Then we go from Sci-Fi to Fantasy, as Nat talks about House of the Dragon. She talks about her interest in the show, the actors & characters, and what she's liked so far after having only seen the first season. We also touch on Game of Thrones, which she has not seen.
Then we talk about her work in the Opera and Classical Music space. From her experience in grade school to the work in her degree program and internships, Nat talks about what attracts her to this realm and offers some music recommendations to us (check out the links further down).
Lastly, Nat talks about how she got into Cosplay. We talk about her and her families background in faires, the work her dad and mom do, and the characters she's cosplayed. Plus, we talk about what the future holds for Cosplay.
You can find Nat at:
Aria from Dvorak's "Rusalka"
Aria from Puccini's "Tosca"