The Audacious Life - Break Free

Bethenny Frankel's Messy 10 Year Divorce - She's Sharing So We Can Learn

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Bethenny Frankel's Messy 10-Year Divorce - She's Sharing So We Can Learn

As a longtime fan of Bethenny Frankel, I've been waiting for her to share more about her relationship with her former husband and father of their daughter, Bryn.   As outspoken as she is, she clearly had a gag order in place for many years. And she now considers herself an "expert on Divorce" as she  researched and dug deep to help her case.  I caught a YouTube Live with Bethenny sharing that she's decided to share the details of her divorce. And she aims to help other women! Imagine what Bethenny Frankel can do to spread awareness around narcissism and post-separation abuse, including family court corruption.  She's a black belt in verbal jujitsu and can sling memorable one-liners effortlessly. Her impact WILL BE FELT. I immediately recorded this after watching, and she went live again today before I could get this out.  You can catch her previous videos below. Please do go and subscribe, and remember to click the bell so you'll be notified when she goes live or shares. It seems like she's on a roll, so we can expect more. And SHARE with other women!!




PART ONE  CHARMING IS A RED FLAG   Thanks for listening! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this. I will have the YouTube video up on my channel ASAP, along with questions in the community tab. Lots of Love! Steph       Image attribution for promotional graphic "bethenny-frankel-book-a-place-of-yes-330kk" by ekelly89 is licensed under CC BY 2.0.