The Brink

Militant on the brink

Militant on the brink

The Brink

Published: 10 April 2020 at 00:00 UTC

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Episode notes

After winning a game of brinkmanship with the Thatcher government in 1984, Liverpool Council is enlisted in the rate-cap rebellion of 1985. But when almost all the other rebel councils cave in, the city finds itself on its own.

The councillors face an option: raise the rates, or back an illegal budget. The latter could result in them voting for their own bankruptcy.

In this episode, Julia Rampen explores the consequences of Militant's actions, the 30,000 redundancy notices, and whether Liverpool council underestimated Thatcher.

She speaks to key figures from the time, including former Labour leader Neil Kinnock, Militant's Derek Hatton, and more.

Presented and produced by Julia Rampen

Edited by Daniel J. McLaughlin