The Curious Life

Welcome to Sex with Yumi Stynes

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Episode notes

Yumi Stynes is a broadcaster, a host, an author, a cook, a parent of many and so much more. Her new book Welcome to Sex¸is the fourth in the “Welcome To” series, co-written with former Dolly Doctor (yes, that Dolly Doctor!) Dr Melissa Kang, that unpacks the sticky topics that are much needed for young people and their families. Periods, boobs, consent and now sex. They are filled with a robust and honest explanation of the big moments in young people’s lives, that empowers tweens, teens and parents alike, to understand bodies and relationships in a real and relatable way.

Yumi is a firecracker and this chat is so much fun.

Yumi also stars in the Audible Original podcast, POWER Talks with Kemi Nekvapil (, which is free for Audible members and non-members. She sat down for a session with Kemi, who is a leading executive and personal coach, and in a twist, found an aha moment that has stayed with her since.

This episode has it all – sex, consent, sobriety, the chaos of a busy family life, and Yumi delivers all of this with her trademark sense of humour and boundless energy.

Listen now wherever you get your pods and head to Audible to catch the POWER Talks series in full.

As you’ll hear, Yumi has her fingers in a lot of pies! You can find the details below:

- Insta @yumichild

Ladies, We Need To Talk Podcast

- The Welcome To book series, in all good bookstores

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Find Jana at @thecuriouslifepodcast and @thedaysthatfollow.