The Dr. Barbara Sturm Podcast

2 | A Guide to HRT 

2 | A Guide to HRT 

The Dr. Barbara Sturm Podcast

Published: 8 August 2022 at 00:02 UTC

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Episode notes

Dr. Barbara Sturm and author of Cracking the Menopause and menopause campaigner, Mariella Frostrup, talk to Dr. Paula Briggs, chair elect of The British Menopause Society about all things HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). They discuss everything from the current shortage of HRT products in the UK; to why doctors are still misinformed about the risks of taking hormone replacement therapy and how primary care could be streamlined.

For further support contact The Menopause Charity.

For more education and inspiration around aging, health, nutrition and beauty follow Dr. Sturm at @drbarbarasturm

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