The Everyday Storyteller

Can I help you? Yes you can but only if you tell me how. 

Can I help you? Yes you can but only if you tell me how. 

The Everyday Storyteller

Published: 6 December 2023 at 06:30 UTC

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Episode notes

You want to make it super easy for potential customers to know whether you can help them or not. Like instantly. Or else they're likely to look elsewhere until they find their answer.
Of course this does rely on one thing. You understanding what the problem is you solve in the first place. 

Stories that describe your ideal client and the problems you solve for them helps others quickly see whether you're a good fit. For those that are, they will connect more deeply with you, knowing that their needs are being listened to.
And for those that are not well suited? Well, let's just say no-one's time will be wasted. 

For women with something to say, The Everyday Storyteller is a podcast about making your voice matter, one day at a time.

5-Star ratings and reviews help other women discover the show and learn how to ensure their voice matters too. So please, don't forget to leave one. 

Want to continue the conversation or get some extra support with telling your story? 

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This podcast is produced by the brilliant Suzi @story_publishing

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