The Everyday Storyteller

Don’t wear high heels you can’t walk in when meeting a new client.

Don’t wear high heels you can’t walk in when meeting a new client.

The Everyday Storyteller

Published: 5 December 2023 at 06:30 UTC

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Episode notes

How do you go about introducing yourself and your business to the people you want to work with? 

HERE’S THE TRUTH: Whatever your imposter syndrome is telling you, your customers want to learn about the person behind your brand AND how that person can help solve their problem. 
WHY? Because they want to be able to trust you. They want reassurance you believe in the same things as them. And they want to buy from someone they actually like. - and feel a connection to. 
HOW DOES IT HELP YOU? Trust + connection = relationship = loyalty, sales and telling a tonne of other people about you. 
Don't panic if this sends you spinning into an existential crisis. Just telling people one thing they won't expect or didn't already know about you can be a great way to grab attention and create that all important engagement. 

For women with something to say, The Everyday Storyteller is a podcast about making your voice matter, one day at a time.

5-Star ratings and reviews help other women discover the show and learn how to ensure their voice matters too. So please, don't forget to leave one. 

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This podcast is produced by the brilliant Suzi @story_publishing

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