The F Word at Work

Why Becoming Fertility Friendly In 2024 Matters?

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Episode notes

Welcome to Series 3 of The F Word at Work where we'd love your support and feedback so so please do hit follow and if possible leave a review in the app you are listening to. As we get ready for another exciting year at Fertility Matters at Work, we wanted to kick off this podcast episode in conversation with our co-founders Natalie, Becky and Claire to talk about why becoming fertility friendly in 2024 really does matter. We also wanted to share some of the amazing achievements that happened in 2023 that we'll be continuing to build on this year.

What we discussed:

  • Highlights from 2023: Including national press coverage on BBC Breakfast News, amazing speaker opportunities at The Modern Family Show and the HBA Gender Healthcare summit,
  • Details of the organisations who have become accredited as well as our impact statistics including over 150,000 employees reached
  • The perception Shift in 2023: BBC Breakfast News coverage of this topic in successive weeks has highlighted a shift in public awareness and engagement of the importance of this issue
  • How momentum is growing with there now being widespread discussions about fertility matters at work with numerous collaborations and the topic being discussed in global organisations as they realise the vast impact.
  • How fertility issues impact businesses, emphasizing the financial and personal costs associated with talent turnover and lack of support during fertility-related challenges.
  • Why the male perspective needs to be part of the conversation and how there's a recognition that the conversation is expanding beyond being viewed as solely a female issue, with a growing acknowledgment of male perspectives and LGBTQ+ considerations in fertility discussions.
  • Why this is so important for talent Retention and engagement and the importance of businesses recognizing fertility matters as a workforce challenge, considering talent retention, engagement, and long-term planning.
  • Why societal perspectives on Infertility on infertility are still a challenge and that infertility is still not being recognized as a legitimate medical condition or a significant life event.
  • Optimism about changing perspectives:
  • Call to Action for 2024:consider fertility-related conversations, share experiences, and engage in initiatives like the fertility workplace pledge.

Thank you to our series sponsor Apricity:

Apricity is the world’s first virtual fertility clinic. They use at-home testing and scans, which means just two in-person meetings per treatment compared to around ten with the traditional model. It's fertility benefit gives end-to-end support and treatment from Apricity doctors and nurses, and transparent pricing with no hidden costs.

To find out about the unique Apricity Fertility Benefit and how they can support your employees with inclusive fertility care please get in touch with its expert corporate team here.

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