The Healthy Business Podcast

Ep. 127 - Attracting & Converting Your Dream Clients Through Magnetic Marketing

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Episode notes

Creating content can feel like another chore on the to do list when you don’t have a simple step plan or when you feel like you get zero response every time you post something 

Knowing how to attract your dream clients (rather than freebie hunters or ditherers) so they want to buy from you all comes down to your Marketing and Messaging

If you’re not creating content that converts, you’ll have an audience full of crickets…and won’t be fulfilling your sales potential.

As a business owner you HAVE to market your products & services otherwise no-one knows you or how you can help.

So in this episode I’m sharing:

  • my 5 pillar killer messaging content creation framework 

  • how you can create an audience of buyers not fence sitters

  • how to put it all into action so you have sales on tap…without spending all your time on social media!

Q4 is THE biggest sales period…knowing how to make sales (without the hustle or ick!) is the key to your opportunity.


 Additional resources:

- Get Instant access to Social Media Success Bundle:

- Read Sarah’s book, Healthy You Wealthy Business: 

- Find Sarah on Facebook: 

- Find Sarah on Instagram:

- Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn: