The J.A.M.E.S Inc Podcast

The Living History Book of Regina Goodwin's Family Saga

Published: 27 March 2024 at 05:00 UTC

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Episode notes

Join the conversation with Regina Goodwin, State Representative for House District 73, as we unearth the treasures of Tulsa, Oklahoma's storied Greenwood District. Through Regina's eyes, we traverse the landscape of her family's profound legacy, from the entrepreneurial pursuits of her grandfather, E.L. Goodwin Sr., to the impactful narratives preserved in the Oklahoma Eagle newspaper. Our episode is a tapestry of tales emphasizing integrity, the valor in questioning norms, and the vital role of authenticity in both personal growth and societal contribution. As Regina shares the counsel she would impart to her younger self, we are reminded of the invaluable lessons from our forebears and the importance of excellence and intergenerational wisdom.