The LeaderX Podcast with Lucy Barkas

The LeaderX Podcast - Nikki Gatenby on engagement and menopause

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Episode notes

Who wants to talk menopause? Well that's the point - in this episode, Nikki Gatenby talk business, engagement and the final taboo of menopause.

You might not think it effects you, but everyone will be affected, whether its you, your mum, sister, wife, employee or your boss - so let's start the discussion.

Nikki is founder of GatenbysConsulting,  a non-exec director, coach and best-selling author of Superengaged
Having led marketing agencies in London, Paris and latterly Brighton, Nikki is known for supercharging growth – over the last 10 years as MD at Brighton based Propellernet, taking the company from UK to global, whilst being one of the best places to work in the UK 

Nikki is also Co-Founder of Menopoised, a pioneering company on a mission to change the lives of menopausal women the world over.

In running successful businesses for many years, Nikki champions those in menopause to enable women to thrive, hand in hand with specialising in the field of culture and engagement at work – for which she has been featured in The Guardian, The Times, Parliament Trust, Chamber of Commerce and Corporate Rebels.

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