The Lyric Boys

E23 LCD Soundsystem

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Episode notes

The Lyric Boys explore 10 iconic lyrics by LCD Soundsystem, the Brooklyn electronic rock band fronted by James Murphy, the bearded indie-rock legend known for hilariously sarcastic lyrics and making danceable sad music. The Lyric Boys discuss Europe's affinity for mimes, mild billionaire mayors, and how sometimes friends are mean. According to James Murphy, love is both an astronaut -- and an open book to a verse of your bad poetry. So, listen to this episode tonight, because life is finite and you're simply wasting your youth by not listening to The Lyric Boys.

Songs Discussed: "Losing My Edge," "Drunk Girls," "Pow Pow," "New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down," North American Scum," "Dance Yrself Clean," You Wanted A Hit," "I Can Change," "Tonite," and "Sound of Silver."

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