The Productivity Project

This secret productivity superpower will completely change the way you work

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Episode notes

A few months in to starting my own business, I felt this niggling feeling that something just wasn’t right about the way I was able to work. How long I was able to concentrate. What I was able to do in a day.

I couldn’t figure out what to do next and I wondered if I’d ever be able to concentrate for more than 10 minutes again.

The Kat story had always included words like ‘organised’, ‘efficient’ ‘productive’.

And for years, I’d been able to operate like a robot because I worked in environments that were designed to cultivate robot-style productivity through years of centuries-old social conditioning.

So when I left that environment and went out on my own?

I spent months chasing the right systems and thousands of dollars investing in resources to help me get the things I wanted to do done.

But none of that made much difference because I was still overlooking one huge component of creating easeful productivity.

In this week's episode, I talk about:

- How to uncover the REAL reason you're procrastinating (and what to do about it)

- The huge transition no one's talking about when you leave your 9-5 and WHY you're finding it hard to be productive

- The ultimate productivity superpower behind all those apps, planners and systems that will completely change the way you work

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