The Productivity Project

How to leverage rest to achieve your goals (and how to tell when you're just procrastinating)

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Society has conditioned us to believe that rest comes after work as some sort of reward.

We're constantly on the go, juggling work, family, and everything in between. And when we finally do get a chance to rest, our brains are like, "hold up, shouldn't you be doing something?"

In this episode, I talk about how to break free from this cycle as a booked out service provider and leverage rest to help you achieve your goals.

In this episode:

- What rest actually means when it comes to productivity (and why it doesn't necessarily have to involve sleep or even lying down)

- Why you should integrate it (and the biggest mistake most of us make when it comes to getting the rest we need)

- How to tell the difference between needing to rest and procrastination or work avoidance

I’ve started pulling the curriculum framework together for my program for booked out service providers who love supporting clients BUT who have had your OWN business or project on simmer in the background for as long as you can remember.

🔥The Bandwidth Blueprint is coming soon... and it’s for yooooou, babe🔥 My complete blueprint for booked out service providers (VAs, SMMs, OBMs, copywriters, freelancers, tech ninjas, PAs, EAs, all the As) to:
Leverage your available time to FINALLY get your own business projects happening in real life (without just throwing more time you don’t have at the problem). 💅🏻
leaves you with the time capacity to actually live and ENJOY the goals you have for your business and your life.