The Trial of Santa Claus

Day 5: Is Die Hard really a Christmas film?

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Episode notes

It is the fifth day of The Trial of Santa Claus, and the attention of the prosecution and the defence turns to Die Hard.

Is the Bruce Willis action classic really a Christmas film, or should it take a plummet from Nakatomi Plaza?

The defence, led by Dan McLaughlin, is in the Yippee-ki-yay camp, whilst the prosecution, led by Matt Millard, argues that it should have been left on the cutting room floor.

After hearing the evidence, we are inviting you - the members of the jury - to have your say about today's court proceedings. Visit our Twitter page @LaudablePods to vote on whether you agree with the prosecution or the defence.

And come back tomorrow for another day in our Christmas court, as Santa's salvation or incarceration edges nearer.

The Trial of Santa Claus is a Laudable production, presented and produced by Kelly Crichton, Dan McLaughlin, and Matt Millard. The podcast was created by Dan McLaughlin.

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Merry Christmas!