The Wallet

IWD2022: #BreakTheBias around Women Investors, with Tamara Gillan | Hotline #12

IWD2022: #BreakTheBias around Women Investors, with Tamara Gillan | Hotline #12

The Wallet

Published: 17 March 2022 at 01:00 UTC

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Episode notes

☎️ Tamara Gillan is a successful entrepreneur, founder and CEO of The WealthiHer Network. Her mission is to bring together the UK’s leading financial institutions to work in partnership for the first time to celebrate and support female wealth. As a single mother, Tamara has had to fight for her own success and passionately believes women deserve to be recognised and championed by the financial sector.

💸 In this episode, we’re keen to #BreakTheBias around women and investing for IWD. We’ve had enough listening to the messages that women aren’t interested, have a lower tolerance for risk, or don’t care about growing their wealth. The truth is that women are great investors, so how do we break the bias by inspiring women to grow and protect their wealth?

💥 Today on The Wallet: 

1️⃣ 72% of women do not think that the finance industry is talking to them or catering to their needs. There are still inherent biases in the process.

2️⃣ When women can ask any question and share experiences with other women, it changes their overall engagement with investing. It changes their propensity to invest in something with a slightly higher risk profile. 

3️⃣ When we ask for a pay increase or pitch our business, we often negotiate against ourselves. When you go into that situation, make sure you sit and look them in the eye and believe you are worth it. As women, we need to remember our own worth. 

You can follow and connect with Tamara at:

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I’m Emilie Bellet, the founder of Vestpod - a thriving community that financially empowers women, author of You’re Not Broke, You’re Pre-Rich and host of The Wallet! You can learn more about Vestpod, join our events and subscribe to our newsletter at and on Instagram @vestpod. Join our private Facebook group: @vestpod. 


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