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Episode Links:

Why We Put Ourselves Last & Why Self-Care Should Be a Priority

Why should we reward effort, and how

Reward effort, not just achievement

Impacts of technology on children’s health: a systematic review

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff with Your Family: Simple Ways to Keep Daily Responsibilities and Household Chaos from Taking Over Your Life

Negotiating with pre-teens and teenagers

Working Mothers Spend More Time with Children Than Their Parents

Working From Home With A Sick Kid? Parents Share Their Survival Tips

Work Life Blending: Balancing Benefits and Challenges

Why are women expected to work like they don’t have children and mother like they don’t work?

Why I don't feel guilty about sending my son to nursery

Home education

Home Schooling & Working From Home – A Mum’s perspective

Why employers need to embrace flexible working for dads

The How to Deal With the Terrible Twos

Role of Job Sharing Post-Pandemic: Time to Embrace the Future

How to Deal With the Terrible Twos

Breaking The Mold: The Joys And Challenges Of Being A Non-Traditional Mum

What It’s Really Like to Work Full-Time and Be a Mom


Carla Prout is a Learning Transformation Consultant, she has worked closely with her clients to develop and execute comprehensive learning strategies tailored to their unique needs. Whether you require a strategic partner to guide your learning initiatives or need custom training solutions, She’s here to help. Carla is committed to designing learning experiences that are not only educational but also memorable and impactful and has helped clients expand their global reach through innovative online learning solutions. Carla has developed training programs that empower employees, leading to increased confidence and streamlined processes, and provided clients with a competitive edge by creating engaging and interactive courses that truly connect. Partnering with you to craft strategic learning solutions that enhance your business performance and drive growth. Let’s work together to transform your learning strategy and achieve exceptional results!


Tracey Rotsey, is an accomplished learning and development practitioner, trainer and leadership coach with 24 years commercial experience and has trained and coached thousands of professionals from first time managers to senior executive level both in the UK and internationally. Tracey is also the Director and Founder of Practical Training Solutions Ltd who specialise in offering flexible learning solutions to fast growing busy organisations to develop their leaders, managers and aspiring leaders of the future to maximise their learning with minimal disruption to day-to-day operations. Their offering includes e-learning, blended learning solutions, bite sized training and coaching.

Amy Bond is an Account Executive for an award winning learning technology company. Passionate about empowering innovative Learning and development professionals, to drive engagement in their workforce and encourage a meaningful culture of social learning. I love supporting progressive organisations harnessing the power of impactful tech, to close skills gaps and transform organisational performance.