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Episode Links:

Katy Perry - Roar (Official)

When Parents Tell Kids to ‘Work Hard,’ Do They Send the Wrong Message?

Apply to a Job, Even If You Don’t Meet All Criteria

Why Women Don’t Apply for Jobs Unless They’re 100% Qualified

Perspectives on the skills obsession: Mirjam Neelen

Servant leadership

Gender inequalities in the workplace: the effects of organizational structures, processes, practices, and decision makers’ sexism

Invisible Women

10 Things Sheryl Sandberg Gets Exactly Right In 'Lean In'

Reading group: Catch-22 by Joseph Heller

Why Women Need A Professional Network

Women in the Workplace 2022

Recruit. Hire. Retain. Advance.

Do ADHD Symptoms Differ in Boys and Girls?

Podcasts - Tracy Otsuka

Mary Portas On Why We Need To Forget 'Leaning In' At Work And 'Be Every Bit A Woman'

WOLFPACK: How to Come Together, Unleash Our Power, and Change the Game


Do Women Avoid Salary Negotiations? Evidence from a Large Scale Natural Field Experiment

6 Quick Tips for Increasing Your Visibility

Differentiations in Visibility-Male Advantages and Female Disadvantages in Gender-Segregated Programmes

Society ‘disappears’ ageing women. So I harnessed that cloak of invisibility to do all sorts of ‘inappropriate’ things

This week’s guests are Joyce Blommaert.  Joyce is currently a Global Agile Lead for ice cream at Unilever and looking for a new opportunity. She is a mum of 2 boys and she is a yoga teacher and mindfulness coach.

[email protected]


Teresa Rose is an award-winning learning and performance consultant. 

With over 16 years’ experience in organisational and people development, Teresa’s career has encompassed everything from program design through to large scale global change and transformation projects. She is also an executive and business coach. 

Teresa has diversified  experience and has worked with e.on, DNV, The World Bank Group, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Glaxo Smith Kline, NHS, Quick Release, Sodexo, Informa Group and University of Cambridge.

In Teresa’s words, she’s had a very squiggly career. Her curiosity and inquisitiveness certainly hold no bounds. She got a love of tech from her Dad, who worked at a television company. He's also her role model when it comes to leadership.   

Teresa has worked in retail management, media, logistics, not for profit, education, sales and FMCG. It does mean Teresa brings a lot of commercial thinking, realism and pragmatism to her work, and thinks deeply about how customers and employees feel and what their needs are. 

Teresa is focused on evidence, evaluation, impact and latest research.  She brings this to her work. Away from work, she’s always learning. Whether it’s on the dance floor or lifting heavy weights on the gym floor.  

Twitter @teresarose01 



Ariel Wynn is a Master's Degree educated Marketing Professional and author; with her debut novel to be published in 2024. Ariel has spent 10 years in the modelling industry and is a current finalist for Miss Swimsuit British Isles. Ariel is currently the UK Chairperson for the Women's Network at her current organisation, PM Group; championing and leading over forty women for a fair, inclusive and empowered professional and personal environment.




A 4th generation educator who couldn't fight her destiny, Alison Shea has held roles in all aspects of Learning and Talent Development, from developing learning products to running custom Learning Solutions for Financial Services and a Regulator. At State Street, she focused on Organisational Transformation, L&D, and DEIB, then moved to start-ups running Learning, Talent Development & DEIB across 5 continents.

In addition to speaking at conferences and delivering award-winning workshops, Alison is passionate about volunteering, mentoring, and paying it forward. She has a M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instructional Technology and a blog called The Learning Manifesto.