This Are Johnny Domino

By Giles & Steve Woodward

Self-referential and entertaining music-based podcast by Giles and Steve Woodward. The two brothers began recording songs under the name Johnny Domino in the summer of 1993. Over the next 3-4 years they recorded over 100 songs on a 4-track tape recorder, drafting in other players on an ad-hoc basis. In this new podcast, the now middle-aged men reminisce about songs they recorded up to 30 years ago. Songs that only a small handful of people have heard. In some cases, songs that they can't remember writing or recording! If you're the kind of person who will watch a documentary about a band or a musician that you are indifferent to, or who enjoys arguing about music as if it's the most important thing in the world (because, deep down, you believe that it is), listen to This Are Johnny Domino.

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