True Spirituality with Ange

EP 39 Divine Timing

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Divine timing is the idea that you are exactly where you should be and that everything happens in your life exactly at the right time. I cannot tell you the number that me and my friends have ranted about divine timing and how frustrating it is. It's not even funny. I suppose we have all been in very challenging circumstances and being told about divine timing when you are going through this can be really counterproductive and even a form of gas lighting.

The last thing I want to do is gas light people, so take the content of this episode with a pinch of salt. I also want to say that we can talk about divine timing even if we are not religious. We can replace the concept of God by Source, the Universe and even Life.

There is a risk when you discover the concept of divine timing to leave all of it to the Universe and sit on your sofa waiting for things to happen. Don't let that happen to you. Divine timing does not cancel out your part to play in creating the life that you want. It is however, a buffer that prevents things from happening when the timing is off. I share some examples of this on the podcast. If something does not happen that you have worked really hard towards, don't be disheartened. Sometimes it's a no, but more often than not, it's a "not yet". I call it delayed, not denied.

One way to find out if you are on track is to look for signs. If that is something you feel you might need support with, it's not too late to sign up for my Treasure Hunt.

Our frustration with divine timing often comes from not being able to see the bigger picture and because of that, not being aware that what we want, might not necessarily be what we need right now or we might not be ready for it. We all live with a level of denial about what we are ready for. There is often a gap. As well, when we doubt we can delay matters because we block the flow. This has to be one of the most frustrating aspects of the manifesting process, which I touched upon in episode 32. But more often than not, divine timing protect against something that we want but that could actually be detrimental to us.

When we become serious about our spiritual path, we relinquish human timing (not always consciously) and invite divine timing into our lives. Then we have to relinquish control and how things are going to look like and unfold. We need to let go of our need to fit into society and appear as the "productive" members of society that our culture value above all, in complete contradiction with true spiritual values. There can literally be a before and after, because all too often, our values are skewed. This is the reason why, people like Steve Jobs often meditate by imagining they only have a day to live. That can really reset our priorities in ways that nothing else can.

To book an private akashic records reading with me (as opposed to a business one), sign up for my newsletter as I only share the reduced fee with my list.

At the end of the episode, I pulled a card from my True Spirituality Oracle Deck to set our collective priority for the next seven days.