True Spirituality with Ange

EP 32 The Gentle Art of Manifesting

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The most prominent teacher of the Law of Attraction is Esther Hicks, who channels a collective of souls called Abraham. When I first came across her book, Ask and It Is Given, I could not go past chapter one. It went against so many of the beliefs I had been taught by my parents that I could not digest its content. It actually took me years to go past chapter one. I would try, fail and put the book down. Then try again, fail again, and put the book down again. And then one day, years after my first attempt (and possibly as long as ten years after that first attempt), I was ready. I read the whole book.

One of the reasons I could not go past chapter one is that it starts, straight off the bat, with the following words "We are called Abraham and we are speaking to you from the non physical dimension". I had been to several psychics for readings at that point, and some had passed on messages from my grand mother and grand father, but somehow this was one step further on the bizarre experience and I could not seem to go past past.

The principles I was raised with were: Work hard, stay disciplined and be patient. It went further than that. As a child, I was discouraged from asking what I wanted by a mother who almost as soon as I asked for something made sure I understood that it was the best way not to get it. So I learnt never to ask for what I wanted. Throw in a couple of birthdays where I didn't get what I wanted and my belief that I should not bother to ask for what I want, and just be grateful for what I have was cemented. I was definitely never exposed to the idea that I create my own reality. Ever.

Here are my nine steps to manifesting:

  1. Be clear on what you want

  2. Identify the fears you have around what you want

  3. Clear the fears you have identified in step 2

  4. Have a plan to get what you want and take action

  5. Revise the plan on a regular basis

  6. Be realistic

  7. Surround yourself with supportive people

  8. Acknowledge the smallest successes along the way

  9. Never compare yourself to anyone else

This sounds simple in theory but it is a lot more difficult to implement so head over to the podcast to actually listen to the episode as I share example and tips for each of these steps. In the podcast, I also unpack a little bit how we all start at different points so it's important to acknowledge that and to extend a helping hand to people who don't have as much privilege as we do. I also mention my True Prosperity course on Thinkific. If you want to find out more about it, click here.